Sunday, September 30, 2012

Dress for a Friend

Over the summer I decided to pick a few sewing project to help me pass the time. I have a lovely friend, Lauren, who let me design and make her a dress. I rarely get to make all of the design choices when making clothes for other people so this was an especially fun experience. Although it took quite a while for me to finish up, we both loved the outcome! This was also one of the few times I've worked with knit fabrics, and I learned a lot from it! I hope I can get better at it in the future.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Parachute Dress

This semester I am in a draping class which has been a very difficult but educational experience. For our midterm, we were given a used military parachute as the material to make an outfit with. Thinking of how flowy the fabric is (a rip-stop nylon) and how much we were given, I chose to do an evening gown. Looking back, it was maybe not one of my best choices since it was alot of work, but I am very happy with the outcome and definitely made something I am very proud of! The parachutes came in 3 color variations. I chose the one with beige, green, orange and white(the other two were dark blue and light blue)because initially I was least inspired by them. I have never been a fan of the color orange, or off combining many colors, so I decided to challenge myself with this project. My design was inspired by a few paintings by Salvador Dali, one of my favorite artists. I really love his choice and combinations of colors as well as his abstract depiction of everyday things. Below is a few pictures of my sample dress and a few pictures of my final dress. Also, yesterday My parachute dress was on the front page of the university's newspaper! The picture and article it went with were promotional material for two upcoming fashion shows in which all of my classes parachute dresses will be shown along with the capstone collections of the students that were seniors this year.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Eco-Couture: FGI Recycled Fashion Exihibit

All of the garments from the Cirque du Couture fashion show were judged and the top 20 were chosen to be shown in a gallery on campus. My three designs from the show were chosen! (plus, another pop tab one from the last show!) The exhibit will be open for 2 and half months. I organized a opening reception for people to come and see the new exhibit.

fgi winter recycled show: cirque du couture

This year, I had a huge part in planning the FGI show. I mostly worked on the decorations, and I think they turned out great! By far the best show we've done since I've been here! In the fashion show, I entered three pieces that I made for the sustainable living fair, and one of them (first one shown below) won again! I am grateful to have won for a third time. All in all, it was a great experience, but alot alot of work. Seeing it all come together made it worth it!