Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Eco-Couture: FGI Recycled Fashion Exihibit

All of the garments from the Cirque du Couture fashion show were judged and the top 20 were chosen to be shown in a gallery on campus. My three designs from the show were chosen! (plus, another pop tab one from the last show!) The exhibit will be open for 2 and half months. I organized a opening reception for people to come and see the new exhibit.

fgi winter recycled show: cirque du couture

This year, I had a huge part in planning the FGI show. I mostly worked on the decorations, and I think they turned out great! By far the best show we've done since I've been here! In the fashion show, I entered three pieces that I made for the sustainable living fair, and one of them (first one shown below) won again! I am grateful to have won for a third time. All in all, it was a great experience, but alot alot of work. Seeing it all come together made it worth it!